
Discover what makes you YOU.

Let’s face it, we’re all a bit strange and odd (ie. queer!). Put another way, we’re all divinely unique and individualistic. We all have gifts to share with the world that no one else on this planet can replicate.  And yet, because of society’s pressure to conform, most of us default to “sameness”..



Making the world queer!

I help people move past the impact of society’s pressure to conform. I’m creating  a giant permission slip for all people to come fully out as exactly who they are.

I’m passionate about helping people live their most unique, authentic, self-expressed, fulfilled and joyful lives! I believe that finding clarity around your unique version of success and happiness, and identifying what special gifts you are meant to share with the world, then following those guideposts with courage and passion are the keys to living a fulfilled, satisfying, and joyful life.

Images by Jim Wilkinson

“Wil’s encouragement and wisdom pulled me out of the isolated and purposeless life that I was living.”





Who is this Wil Fisher guy..?

I’m a playful, ambitious, loving, adventurous, gentle, creative soul who LOVES being of service to others. My life has been an extraordinary journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation.

Currently, I’m a very positive, fulfilled and happy guy who generally loves his life (tho I try not to be too obnoxious about it… lol). In the past, I’ve struggled with demons, unhealthy habits, loneliness and self-sabotage. You see, I grew up in a dysfunctional home with drug addiction, alcoholism, and abuse. Memories of my childhood haunted me and impacted the way the world occurred for me- and the way I showed up. I was obsessed with people pleasing, and chasing a version of success that wasn’t right for me, all while self- sabotaging myself along the way.

Fortunately, in 2016, my path led me to a consulting job for a nonprofit retreat center.  Along my journey, I worked with world renowned coaches, powerful shamans, deeply connected psychics, soulful priests, tantra gurus, spiritual guides, breath workers, reiki practitioners and countless other amazing healers and visionaries from around the world. I learned firsthand- and in deeply profound ways- that personal growth and spiritual development work can definitely work (if you work it!). 

And now, I’m in a place to give back. To pass on the wisdom, and strategies, and guidance that I have so gratefully received- from my mentors and teachers, and from source.



Images by Jim Wilkinson